An amazing collection of 341 different 1930s movie and radio star matchcovers (

Lot 244. An amazing collection of 341 different 1930s movie and radio star matchcovers ( all the designations are from Frank Nagy's checklists). The collection includes First Night Life, 24 complete, NBC Stars, 20 different (of 24), CBS Stars, complete setoff 20, First Movies, type 2, 16 diff., First Movies, type 3, 51 diff., including Ginger Rogers variation. Second Movies, type 1, 31 diff., Second Movies, type 2, 15 diff. (of 16), Second Movies, type 3, 49 diff., Second Movies, type 4, 4 diff., Second Movies, type 5, 52 diff., including Janet Gaynor variation, Second Movies, type 6, 60 diff., including Sigrid Gurie variation. Condition is extraordinary with all having strikers intact and the overwhelming majority in excellent condition. The names are a whos who of the Entertainment industry of that era.
Minimum Bid $300.

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Minimum Bid $300    

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